OutdoorOffice BarCamp

Helsingborg 2024



Pioneers and frontrunners of OutdoorOfficeDay are organizing the first international OutdoorOffice BarCamp

We would like to invite everyone who is interested or has experience in the OutdoorOffice working style to participate in the first OutdoorOffice BarCamp 2024.

Outdoor Office Day at the open-air museum Fredriksdal

What is OutdoorOfficeDay?

OutdoorOfficeDay is an initiative that promotes office work outdoors.
Integrate the opportunity to work outside into your everyday office life. Conduct your meetings on a walk, or discuss your 1-to-1 on a park bench.


Who we are

  • from Nature Desks
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Inventor & chief-protagonist of OutdoorOfficeDay

  • from myBusinessCamp
    Frankfurt, Germany
    Inspirer & moderator with decisive experience in organizing Barcamps

... and many more pioneers from Finland, Denmark, Belgium, The Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and Romania.


Join us!

Why a Barcamp ?

After several years of independent but joint commitment to the OutdoorOffice concept, the time has come to meet in person.

The event will focus on sharing experiences, developing new ideas and drafting a final declaration on the topic.


We invite everyone who is interested in or has experience with the OutdoorOffice concept to take part in the event.

The number of participants is limited to 50 people.
We would be delighted to have sponsors for coffee, drinks, breakfast and lunch!

What is a Barcamp ?

Wikipedia says:
"Barcamps are open, participatory workshop-events, the content of which is provided by participants."

The golden Barcamp rules

  1. Talk about the Barcamp
  2. Blog before, during and after the Barcamp with #oobc24 on social media
  3. Introduce yourself in just three words
  4. If you would like to give a session, you should submit your topic / question e.g. and your name to the moderator when you register on the website or in the morning at the latest
  5. No pre-planned speakers, no passive spectators - it's your exciting topic and your expertise that count!
  6. As many sessions as possible
  7. Sessions will continue as long as necessary or until max. 45 minutes are reached
  8. If this is your first Barcamp, you should hold a session

Pure advertising / product presentation sessions within the BarCamp contradict the open source idea and are not welcome!

Wikipedia: What is a Barcamp?

OutdoorOffice BarCamp 2024

Date: September 6th - September 8th


Location: Fredriksdal open-air Museum
in Helsingborg, Sweden

50 km north of Malmö and Copenhagen



Entrance Fredriksdal Museum & Gardens

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Session proposals

actual proposals

Topic Session host
Workshops Outdoor - best practice Ulli
Outdoor Office Day Movement worldwide Ioana
Overview about Outdoor Office & soft tools for outdoor work Sebastian
Turning work inside out - exploring Outdoor Office Work Charlotte
Network marketing from outdoors - sharing my own experiences Britta
Outdoor Office & digital balance - working outdoors without screen Iris
Outdoor Office BarCamp 2025 - proposals & ideas Ulli
Meijan polkuHappy outdoor experiences Juho
your Outdoor Office topic you

If you want to share knowledge, ask a question or host a session?

Make sure that your topic is listed here so that as many interested people as possible can take part.

Just fill in the registation form below!

Barcamp schedule

Day of arrival - get together




Time To-do Location
tba until 17:00 Preparation & setup - Pioneers only Barcamp location 
until 18:00 Arrival & check in in Helsingborg
~ 19:00 Meet, greet & eat (self-payer) Restaurant Madame Moustache

Meet, great & eat


One of the oldest preserved buildings in Helsingborg and it has a triple connection to the history of Fredriksdal.

This building was for example the city residence of the man who built Fredriksdal manor house. Fredrik Wilhelm Cöster.

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Official Barcamp



official Barcamp

Time / Location WorkshopTent OutdoorOffice area
09:00 - 09:45 Intro of all, the barcamp & session planning
10:00 - 10:45 Session 1 Session 7
11:00 - 11:45 Session 2 Session 8
12:00 - 12:45 Session 3 Session 9
  Lunch break  
14:30 - 15:15 Session 4 Session 10
15:30 - 16:15 Session 5 Session 11
16:30 - 17:15 Session 6 Session 12
17:30 Closing session

Summary & improvements




official Barcamp

Time / Location WorkshopTent OutdoorOffice area
09:00 - 09:45 Recap & session planning  
10:00 - 10:45 Session 1 Session 4
11:00 - 11:45 Session 2 Session 5
12:00 - 12:45 Session 3 Session 6

Closing session & Outlook for 2025


Lunch break


BarCamp end

Dismanteling - Pioneers only


During the Barcamp

Following the classic BarCamp concept, it is the idea to enable all interested participants to take part to the venue as inexpensively as possible.

Therefore, all participants are asked to support the organizers with logistics or other things that have to be done.

Participation fee

As usual for Barcamps, the participant covers the costs of travel, accommodation and 'meet, greet & eat' themselves.

We organize the Barcamp without any financial interests.
Nevertheless, there are daily costs for breakfast, coffee, lunch, fika (traditional swedish coffee break) etc.



We cover these costs of the Barcamp with a 'Food & Beverage participation fee' (called F&B ticket). This includes the catering services and access to the sessions in the workshop tent and outdoor office area.

  • 1-day F&B ticket for Saturday499 SEK / ~ 46€
  • 2-day F&B ticket for Saturday & Sunday: 624 SEK / ~57€

Due to the catering planning,
please note that a purchased ticket cannot be modified afterwards or on site.



As we are enjoying the beautiful gardens and great infrastructure of our host Fredriksdal Museum & Gardens, we all need to purchase an additional discounted entrance ticket.

The main entrance of Fredriksdal Museum & Gardens will have a list of all F&B tickets purchased. Based on this list you can get your discounted day ticket (-50%) for the admission to Fredriksdal Museum & Gardens during the Barcamp.

  • Fredriksdal - discounted day ticket: 60 SEK / ~5,50€

This must be purchased on each day of the event.



How to proceed:


  1. Now
    Register now to take part in the Barcamp using the form below.
    The maximum number of participants: 50
    First come, first served!
    As soon as the Barcamp tickets are activated in the online shop, we will send you an email with the link!

  2. When tickets are activated
    Purchase your preferred 1- or 2-day F&B ticket in the linked online shop

  3. Friday, September 6th
    Attend the 'meet, greet & eat' event (volontary)

  4. Saturday, September 7th
    At the Fredriksdal main entrance:
    Show your F&B ticket that you purchased in advance in the online store, 
    buy your discounted entrance fee
    enjoy, participate or offer an interesting session on the topic of outdoor office
  5. Sunday, September 8th
    repeat 4 :-)


Don't forget that you post and follow #oobc24 up to and during the Barcamp.


Even if we avoid all the frills, like expensive conference hotels or banquet and aftershow party during the Barcamp, we would like organize such a professional event with sponsors.

Because the inspiring outdoor-location, refreshing drinks and delicious food are definitely necessary for the success of any Barcamp :-)

If you would like to support the idea of OutdoorOffice, we would be happy if you would sponsor the Barcamp!


Please contact us, we will get back to you!

Participant registration

You want to be part of the first worldwide OutdoorOffice BarCamp?

Do you already have experience of working in an outdoor office

and want to share this as a session?

Please fill in this registration form.

We will inform you about all the details by eMail and send you the link to the ticket shop.

Registration form

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

Don't forget:

Post and check #oobc24 on your social media platform

Stay tuned !

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